4 Methods Used By Personal Injury Lawyers to Prove Your Claim

17 June 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog


When you are involved in an accident that causes injury, you need to hire personal injury lawyers from firms like Kemp Law to help you receive compensation for your pain, suffering and loss of income due to missing days at work. But how exactly does a personal injury lawyer go about proving your damage claim? Here are the most common methods these legal professionals employ to win your case.

Police Reports: Personal injury lawyers will obtain the police report taken after your accident, which details exactly what all parties involved in the accident told the presiding officer. In many cases, the police report includes what is known as the 'proximate cause of the accident,' which is the reporting officer's estimation of who was most responsible for the accident.

Witness Statements: Most police reports will include a list of the people who witnessed the accident. Personal injury lawyers can contact witnesses and interview them to confirm what they saw, and to request that they appear in a court of law or settlement hearing to bolster your injury claim. Interviewing witnesses is important because sometimes a witness will alter their story, or provide contradictory information that can actually hurt your case. If that happens, your personal injury lawyer may opt not to use that witness in a court appearance or settlement hearing.

Medical Reports: Personal injury lawyers will also obtain your medical reports that detail the extent of your injuries after the accident, and the treatment plan you've been following to recover. The report will also indicate any specialists that your doctor recommended for further evaluation. For example, in many car accident injuries, the person who was hurt is referred to a chiropractor or physical therapist to restore range of motion, and to ease discomfort and pain. Medical records are also vital to establishing any missed time from work due to the severity of your injuries.

Photos: Police officers responding to the scene of an accident often take photos to capture the state of the vehicles involved, and to show the conditions present at the time of the accident, such as a wet road, or a road that was compromised by some kind of obstacle. Photographs can also help an accident recreation specialist testify in court as to what likely occurred based on tire marks, the angle of the vehicles when they came to a final stop, and the condition of each vehicle, including impact areas.