Getting back your children from child services

12 July 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog


Sometimes, children are taken from their homes, and this mainly occurs when a court decides that the child is better off at someone else's. Child protective services are particularly sensitive to such cases. If your child has been taken from your home, then you need to be very compelling to get them back. You have to convince the judge that your home is the best place for your kids and provide sufficient evidence. If you're wondering where to start, then here are some tips to help you get your kids back.

Get a lawyer

Before getting torn up or running up and down in child protective service offices, get yourself a lawyer. They are trained in all areas of the law and have probably seen such occurrences time and again. By understanding the requirements of the court and your loss of custody, lawyers would be able to advise you accordingly regarding your particular case. Having a lawyer would also make it easier for you to understand the technicalities involved, and they'll take care of the complex details. If you can't afford one, inform the court and they'll hire one for you.

Inform authorities of a relative

This is a tip to prevent your children from getting stressed. Instead of having them stay in a new environment they aren't used to, you can facilitate their stay at a relative before you resolve the issue. Immediately inform the child protective services of any relative that your children can stay with. They'll conduct a background check and evaluate the relative's home before taking your kids.

Create a favourable home environment

You need to write down everything that you remember before the incident occurred and hand this information to your lawyer. That is the first step in getting your child back. Get any present witnesses' names and gather your evidence. The aim here is to address the problems that made the child protective services take your children. In most instances, the child services would tell you why they took your child as you have a right to know. It could be due to neglect, drug abuse problems or even safety issues at home.

You can then identify the solutions to these problems. Repair your house if the problem was a safety issue or engage in a rehabilitation program if drugs were the cause. Involve the child custody evaluator in your solution for a better chance of getting your kids back.