3 Top Considerations When Choosing a Commercial Lawyer for Your Business

10 October 2022
 Categories: Law, Blog

Selecting the ideal commercial lawyer for your business can be daunting. It's, therefore, imperative to consider various essential factors if you wish to receive the best legal counsel and representation. They might include aspects like your company's unique needs and the type of business lawyer to hire. Therefore, consider choosing a professional lawyer who can offer the best legal representation by considering the following factors.  Legal Specialties  Not all lawyers specialise in the same area of practice. Read More 

How to Analyse Your Debt Collection Efforts

6 June 2022
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you're in business, you know that you have to pay great attention to income and cash flow. You probably have a range of regular debts that you have to take care of, so you'll want to ensure that you bring in the money on time and without issue. Yet you may well run into problems as time goes by and find it hard to collect a specific debt. What should you consider before you make any serious attempts to chase the overdue amount? Read More 

When Buying a Home, Are You at Risk of Gazumping?

7 March 2022
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you've found the home you've been looking for, you may have agreed to terms with the seller. In this case, you may think that the formal presentation of an offer, a deposit and even a handshake should be sufficient. Many times this will be okay, and you can proceed to close with confidence, but this is not always the case, and you need to be aware of any risk. How can you avoid losing your dream home due to a process known as " Read More