When It's Time to Call a Family Lawyer During Divorce Proceedings

20 August 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog


Some couples split very amicably and are able to work out their own divorce decree, perhaps even working with a mediator to help them through the process. While this can be a good way to dissolve a marriage, there may be times when it's good to think about calling a lawyer even if you and your spouse started divorce proceedings peacefully and agreeably. Note a few signs that might signal that you would do well to at least consult with a lawyer from a firm like Marino Law during your divorce.

1. When money starts to disappear

If you and your spouse haven't already worked out the separation of your finances and you still have access to a joint bank account, savings, investments and the like, you would do well to keep an eye on those finances during your divorce. If money starts to disappear other than what you would expect your spouse to reasonably spend on expenses, it's time to consult with an attorney. He or she can expedite the financial division between you and, if necessary, hire a forensic accountant who can find hidden funds. This can ensure you are protected and your spouse doesn't simply drain your accounts.

2. If your spouse suddenly delays the process

Certain delays may be expected during a divorce process; your spouse may need extra time to review paperwork, consult with their own lawyer or advisor and so on. However, if it seems as if your spouse is delaying the process for no good reason then you may want to consult with an attorney. In some cases, spouses will delay the divorce process as a means of controlling the procedure; they may try to argue for a larger settlement or more time with the children, hoping the other spouse will give in simply to get the divorce filed and finished. An attorney can ensure this doesn't happen and may be able to set a court date so that your spouse is forced to attend to the process quickly.

3. When previous agreements are not honoured

If you have a prenuptial agreement or have already worked out some part of your divorce settlement and your spouse doesn't honour these, you may need to consult with an attorney. Your agreement may include the return of certain property, visitation with the children and other details that your spouse isn't honouring during the divorce process; an attorney can see that these are enforced by the court so that your rights are protected and you don't need to rely on the whims of your spouse even while going through the process of a divorce.